Samsung Galaxy A51 Backlight Problem

Normally, if there is no backlight damage or no screen on the phone you can still hear the sound of the phone ringtone and other notification tones, but it is limited by not seeing the image. on the phone. It's hard to use Samsung Galaxy A51 that is limited by damage with no backlight or no screen.

The reason why Samsung Galaxy A51 does not display the backlight

  • Phone dropped, screen broken.
  • Phone comes into contact with liquid or water.
  • Damage to internal components.

Step 1: Replace screen Samsung Galaxy A51

If the LCD Samsung Galaxy A51 SM-A515F is broken or cracked, then this is most likely the cause of the screen failure.

Step 2: Reinstall the software on your Samsung phone

No backlight on your phone could be caused by a bug in your phone's operating system, you can reset it to solve the problem.

Step 3: Check the LCD screen connection

Try to check the whole connection on the PCB board, especially on the LCD screen connection. Maybe the connector is corroded or rusty, please clean it immediately with alcohol and brush, so that the connection condition is clean again.

Step 4: Perform a path check

Samsung Galaxy A51 Backlight Problem

You can try to check if the line on the Samsung Galaxy A51 phone board is damaged. In the schematic image of the path connected to each component, you can check using a multimeter. When encountering damage to the path, perform a jumper to return to normal.

Step 5: Replace components

With the schematic guide, you can perform tests of connected components. If there are defective components after checking and measuring with a multimeter. You can make replacements with new components of the same value.

Check your phone for any damage carefully, to avoid increased damage and further harm to yourself.

Good luck!

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