Xiaomi Redmi 9C Touch Screen Problem

This sometimes happens if Xiaomi Redmi 9C gets water damaged, dropped on the ground and any related damage caused by the user. In this case, only hardware repair can help solve the problem. The solution below shows the Xiaomi Redmi 9C touch screen control PCB board components in action.

How to solve Xiaomi Redmi 9C . touch problem

Here are the steps to fix Xiaomi Redmi 9C touch screen problem:

1. Clean touch screen connection

Redmi 9C touch screen repair is applicable when Redmi 9C phone is exposed to water or other liquids. Make the touch screen faulty or hard to touch some parts like back button or recent button. To repair, you must disassemble the phone, then check the connection on the touch screen for corrosion or rust. If you come across it, clean it with a brush and add a little alcohol solution to make the connection clean and normal again.

2. Touch screen replacement

Xiaomi Redmi 9C Touch Screen Problem

If after cleaning the connector, the Xiaomi Redmi 9C touch screen condition has not returned to normal, the best step may be to replace the touch screen with a new one. For component replacement, please take care to avoid LCD screen breakage. And before you insert the new touch screen into your Samsung Galaxy A51 phone, please note and check if there are any physical defects in the new touch screen part, as physical failures can cause irreparable damage. That's the information and instructions on how to fix Samsung Galaxy A51 touch screen problems on touch screens.

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