Xiaomi Redmi 9C Charging Problem

In this post we will tackle the Xiaomi Redmi 9C Charging Problem. After providing support to Android users for many years, we were able to predict that this type of power-related problem will be among the first problems that Xiaomi Redmi 9C owners may encounter. right. That's why we find it necessary to share articles like this because we know that one day questions about this will flood into our emails.

How to fix Xiaomi Redmi 9C not charging

After the mobile phone disassembles, you will need to perform some steps shown in the diagram above.

Check the charging jack and its points if they have a good value if yes then change the device and test it and if the motherboard doesn't see the correct value with the charging points then after no satisfied with the mobile phone you will receive something diagram showing above You have to do the steps.

Xiaomi Redmi 9C Charging Problem

Here are the common causes of your Xiaomi Redmi 9C having trouble charging

  • Diode is short, faulty
  • Capacitor short, faulty
  • Faulty resistor
  • Damaged or damaged charging coil
  • IC is short, faulty
  • Poor USB port

More information on this and solutions for new tips and tricks will be found on this page, if there is a new update we will update it here. Here are some related articles you can refer to more about mobile phones.

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