Huawei Y6p Backlight Problem

Huawei Y6p wallpaper problem is a typical case, this will certainly be the time when we use a lot of activities using Android phone devices, take this opportunity Le Khuyen Mobile tries to discuss and offer solutions to repair Android devices Huawei Y6p lost backlight. Maybe some of you also encounter obstacles and damage like on your Android phone Huawei Y6p not bright screen or its LCD.

How to fix Huawei Y6p screen backlight problem

Here are some helpful steps needed to repair faulty cell phone LCD lights. You need to follow these steps for perfect cell phone repair. All steps are used as general cell phone repair.

  • Try checking the current on the display lamp pins. If the displayed links are broken or missing.
  • You can create a jumper directly using the diagram shown above.
  • To repair the display connector. You need to start from the motherboard connector first, then show the panel strip connector and the last LED connector on the back of the panel.
  • Jumpers and LEDs work fine but LED current is lacking. In this case, you need to fix this problem from the Lamp Controller section.
  • There may be a separate part or integrated power chip. In a separate section of the LED driver. There may be a light current filter chip or a transistor for automatic switching.
  • Automatic switches can help deny battery life. Display lights are the main things that can drain the battery fast. To learn more about auto-switching of display lights. Anyway let's get to the point of cell phone repair in steps.

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Huawei Y6p Backlight Problem

Note: Every repair solution posted here has been tested by at least one member of our team. Use information available here at your own risk. We are not responsible if there is any harm to your device during the repair process.

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