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Realme C20 Backlight Problem

Normally, without the backlight you can still hear the voice of the phone ringtone and other notification tones, but because it is limited by not seeing the image on the phone. It is very difficult for us to operate the Realme C20 which is limited by damage with no backlight or no screen.

There are some possible reasons why Realme C20 does not have a backlight

  • Dropped phone, broken screen.
  • The phone comes into contact with liquid or water.
  • Damaged components inside Realme C20.

Step 1: Replace screen Realme C20

Proceed to replace the screen, if the Realme C20 screen is broken or cracked, this may be the cause of the display damage.

Step 2: Reinstall the software on Realme C20

No backlight on Android phone may be due to operating system error on phone, you can reinstall it to solve the problem.

Step 3: Check the LCD display socket

Try testing the entire socket on the PCB board, especially on the LCD display socket. If there is corrosion or rust in the socket, clean it immediately with alcohol and a brush, so that the socket is clean again.

Step 4: Check the circuit and fishing

Realme C20 Backlight Problem

The following repair step can try to check if the line on the PCB board of the Realme C20 phone is damaged with the backlight.
In the schematic image of the path connected to each component, you can check using a multimeter. When there is damage to the path, perform a jumper path to return to normal.

Step 5: Replace components

With the instructions in the diagram, you can perform a test of the connected components. If there is a defective part after checking and measuring it with a multimeter, you can replace it with a new one with the same value.

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