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OPPO A53 Touch Screen Problem

I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with the touch screen on your OPPO A53. Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Clean the screen: Sometimes dirt or debris on the screen can interfere with touch sensitivity. Use a soft cloth to clean the screen thoroughly.
  2. Remove screen protector: If you have a screen protector on your phone, try removing it to see if that improves touch sensitivity.
  3. Restart your phone: Restarting your phone can often fix issues with touch screen responsiveness.
  4. Update your phone: Check for any available software updates and install them. Updates can often fix bugs and improve the performance of your phone.
  5. Calibrate the touch screen: Some phones have a built-in touch screen calibration tool. Check your phone's settings to see if this is an option and follow the instructions to calibrate the touch screen.
  6. Contact customer support: If none of these steps work, it may be a hardware issue. Contact OPPO customer support for further assistance.

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